heterometrus spinifer (3)

  Is Heterometrus spinifer poisonous?

  The sting of the black scorpion Heterometrus spinifer, which can cause intense localized pain, has not been reported to produce lethal cardiovascular complications, which are well known to result from scorpion envenomation as a consequence of a massive release of catecholamines.

  How big are Heterometrus spinifer?

  around 10 to 12 cm

  spinifer can reach a length around 10 to 12 cm (3.9 to 4.7 in). The body is shiny black with gray-green reflections. The pincers are highly developed. In captivity it feeds primarily on insects, mainly cockroaches, crickets, and locusts.

  H. spinifer can reach a length around 10 to 12 cm (3.9 to 4.7 in).[3] The body is shiny black with gray-green reflections. The pincers are highly developed. In captivity it feeds primarily on insects, mainly cockroaches, crickets, and locusts.[4] Its venom can cause severe pain, and mild numbness in the affected area, but it is not typically lethal to humans.[4] These scorpions tend to be skittish and defensive, using their large pedipalps (pincers) to attack, more than their tails.

  Distribution and habitat

  This species can be found in Southeast Asia,including Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, India, and other Southeast Asian countries . Generally, these terrestrial scorpions live in moist forests in the dark undergrowth under logs or other debris, and they burrow into the ground where they hide during the day.


  Heterometrus spinifer (black Thai scorpion) is a species of scorpion from the Scorpionidae family that is originally native to Southeast Asia. There it can be found in the forests of Thailand and Malaysia.

heterometrus spinifer (2)


  In order to keep these terrarium animals, which can grow up to 17 cm long, in a species-appropriate manner, very small terrariums with a base area of ​​40×40 cm or more are suitable. The height plays a minor role here, as Heterometrus spinifer does not like to climb. To keep a group, the terrarium should have a base area of ​​at least 60×40 cm.

  The terrarium should be set up with a base made of a substrate of around 10 cm high, made of a mixture of soil and sand or terrarium humus. The soil must therefore be piled up high enough so that the animals can dig their burrows in it. To do this, the animals need pieces of bark or similar under which they can find a hiding place during the day. Plants, roots and stones can also be used for decoration.

heterometrus spinifer (1)

  They can be kept individually, in pairs or in groups.

  The temperature should be around 26 to 29°C during the day. At night the temperature can drop to 22°C. The climate should be warm and humid. The humidity should be between 75 and 85%. However, a small part of the container should be kept moist and contain a water bowl.

  There should be some cuttlefish bone to help build the exoskeleton.

  Crickets, crickets and cockroaches are the best food.

  Be careful, they are poisonous!

  These are scorpions that are also suitable for responsible beginners, as they only have a low-strength poison. The sting is similar to that of a bee. Caution is particularly important for allergy sufferers.

Heterometrus spinifer originate from the humid tropical rainforests of Malaysia. This species is often confused with other Heterometrus species! However, the impressive size of up to 17 cm and the blue-black colouration is already a visually visible indication for the classification.

Heterometrus spinifer need a humidity of 70-80% during the day and at night, when the temperature drops to 22-24 °C, it automatically goes up a little. A substrate height of 10 cm not only makes it easier for you to keep the humidity constant, but the animals also like to dig burrows. Forest humus is not only suitable for digging, but it is also ideal for creating a small microclimate in the terrarium. A layer of leaves on top of the humus protects the substrate from drying out quickly and gives the terrarium a natural look.
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Heterometrus spinifer are nocturnal and can often be seen chasing prey or digging. It is possible to keep them singly as well as in groups. It does not matter what sex the animals are. It is important that there is at least one hiding place for each animal. The scorpions can be kept in a terrarium with a minimum size of 30 x 30 x 30 cm. A water bowl for drinking must be offered. This is preferably used at night.

If you keep Heterometrus spinifer in groups, offspring are almost unavoidable. As long as the offspring are still on the mother’s back, they should be left there and only when they move away from her back should they be offered a separate terrarium.

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